The Age of Alternatives

“There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval.” —George Santayana

We have more alternatives today than any people ever in the history of humanity. As such, people believe they can choose their own realities and shape their own destinies. I spent some time this week watching a few interviews from the Rewiring Your Beliefs World Summit, and learning some things about neuroplasticity and healing pain, sickness, and disease using my thoughts. The speakers I heard were great, but I couldn’t help but dwell on the fact that none of this would be possible without abundance. And also that a Cameroonian village would find it insane.

I thought about my fellow Americans and where exactly we fit on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, and I couldn’t figure it out. Why a triangle? Why not a circle? And where does “delusion” sit? Maybe self actualization is mass delusion…I don’t know. I’m feeling confused this weekend and can’t seem to pull this post together. I’ve been busy rewiring my beliefs and wondering if I should stop writing about things that people don’t want to know and start creating some kind of magic in my life that makes me feel good all the time and brings prosperity.

Fact is, we are living in a dynamic interval between a dying system and a new one. It’s called limbo. A dishonest mainstream media has contributed to the rise of alternative media. Dysfunction of the medical system has contributed to the rise of alternative healthcare. Devaluation of the dollar (inflation) is evident by the rise of gold and other ideas about money. Dangerous pharmaceutical drugs have contributed to the rise of alternative medicine. Distrust of corporate food companies is driving people to gardening, community farms, and coops. There’s alternative facts and alternative lifestyles too. A whole new Alt world is emerging alongside our individual alternate realities. All we have to do is redirect our focus and tune in. Is that self actualization?

Meanwhile, a “Great Reset” is in the pipeline of the World Economic Forum. Supposedly, people will be merged with machines and they will own nothing while globalist corporations own everything and rent us what we need to survive. David Rogers Webb wrote a book and made a documentary called The Great Taking, where he reveals how laws were quietly changed from the 1970s to transform our property rights into securities that banks can pool and collateralize for their own leveraged trading games and alarmingly complex derivatives. What’s more, banks can seize your assets in the event these securities become unpayable. Without assets, can we have alternate realities? Is this self actualization?

While I’m excited about the new administration, and the people who might help Americans become healthy again and think again, I’m not inclined to call them an Alt government. Don’t get me wrong. I love RFK’s vision to fight chronic disease, improve children’s health, remove “corporate capture” of federal agencies, get toxic chemicals out of our food supply, and basically detox and cleanse the country. He supports raw milk, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, healing organic foods, natural remedies, sunshine, and even gym memberships! If anyone can do it, he can. It’s just that I’m not sure what’s going on with the government supporting crypto currency. This doesn’t seem right to me at all.

I’m also not sure about all the people in Trump’s cabinet. Some are tied to Big Pharma and others to Wall Street. Moreover, the Democrats are quiet…no big riots and no looting from what I can see. No real resistance other than smears and grumbling. So I’m happy and hopeful, but I’m also cautious and guarded. I still sense something that isn’t authentic and smell the stench of the Deep State boiling a whole bunch of frogs slowly in a pot of water. Illusion and narrative have been such a prominent part of the Deep State playbook, it’s hard for me to believe there’s not a huge black turkey around the corner. I would have said swan, but I think turkey is more appropriate for Thanksgiving.

Have a happy and blessed holiday. We can all be thankful for this very unique Age of Alternatives.


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