Category: Books
My Story is about Belonging
Albert Einstein’s Little Secret
“The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.”—Albert Einstein A few weeks ago, I stumbled upon an Einstein lecture by Douglas Hofstadter. He researches how we create analogies and how they permeate our languages and creative thought processes in physics and mathematics. In his research, he found…
Beliefs, Perceptions, and Reality
ew men have imagination enough for reality. —Johann Wolfgang von Goethe When a majority rules, it feels like their beliefs and perceptions are grounded in facts and based on reality. But they are actually based on artificial constructs, on missing information, on things we don’t know and cannot see, on…
All the World Is a Stage
People Enslave Themselves
Who owns the USA’s gold?
I read a wild book this weekend…Who Really Owns Your Gold by William Garner (fourth edition). It was published in 2016 and has some intriguing facts about the gold market’s history, and history in general. No doubt, it’s a page-turner and made me think…deeply…about many things. I have no relationship…
Study Abroad Map
Love Evil: An extraordinary journey of the heart
Love Evil: An extraordinary journey of the heart By Wendy Williamson “Outstanding, sophisticated, and mesmerizing…a spiritual intrigue similar to Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code.” —ForeWord Clarion Reviews A spiritual intrigue on the quagmire of love, inspired by actual experiences that took place in Africa, Europe, and South America. Praise…
Christian Martial Arts 101
In Christian Martial Arts 101, Wendy Williamson presents 101 Bible lessons for Christ-centered martial artists to be used with any Christian martial arts curriculum. The Pledge I pledge allegiance to my Lord, Jesus Christ, and to the love for which He stands … one Savior, everlasting, indivisible with forgiveness and…
My Story is about Belonging
Albert Einstein’s Little Secret
“The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.”—Albert Einstein A few weeks ago, I stumbled upon an Einstein lecture by Douglas Hofstadter. He researches how we create analogies and how they permeate our languages and creative thought processes in physics and mathematics. In his research, he found…
Beliefs, Perceptions, and Reality
ew men have imagination enough for reality. —Johann Wolfgang von Goethe When a majority rules, it feels like their beliefs and perceptions are grounded in facts and based on reality. But they are actually based on artificial constructs, on missing information, on things we don’t know and cannot see, on…
All the World Is a Stage
People Enslave Themselves
Who owns the USA’s gold?
I read a wild book this weekend…Who Really Owns Your Gold by William Garner (fourth edition). It was published in 2016 and has some intriguing facts about the gold market’s history, and history in general. No doubt, it’s a page-turner and made me think…deeply…about many things. I have no relationship…
Study Abroad Map
Love Evil: An extraordinary journey of the heart
Love Evil: An extraordinary journey of the heart By Wendy Williamson “Outstanding, sophisticated, and mesmerizing…a spiritual intrigue similar to Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code.” —ForeWord Clarion Reviews A spiritual intrigue on the quagmire of love, inspired by actual experiences that took place in Africa, Europe, and South America. Praise…
Christian Martial Arts 101
In Christian Martial Arts 101, Wendy Williamson presents 101 Bible lessons for Christ-centered martial artists to be used with any Christian martial arts curriculum. The Pledge I pledge allegiance to my Lord, Jesus Christ, and to the love for which He stands … one Savior, everlasting, indivisible with forgiveness and…