In my humble opinion, these are some of the best health-related, exercise-focused, nutrition resources I’ve come across:
COMUSAV – Made up of doctors, health professionals in all specialties, and also brings together all people interested in and determined to take control of their own health. To raise awareness in all people, not only in health professionals, by promoting the study and responsible therapeutic use of CDS (Chlorine Dioxide Solution).
How DMSO Treats “Incurable” Autoimmune and Contractile Disorders. The decades of research that could have prevented an immense amount of human suffering
18 STRONG 326: Emma Green: No more Golfer’s Elbow!
Identification of Telomerase-activating Blends From Naturally Occurring Compounds
Nutritional Supplements for Skin Health—A Review of What Should Be Chosen and Why
Catharine Arnston has done so many presentations and podcasts on the benefits of microalgae, but here is a quick overview of everything you really need to know:
Functional Performance Systems: Kathleen Porter Videos
SpineCare Decompression and Chiropractic Center
The pain of hiding your true self | Ruth Clare | TEDxYouth@LGS
How to make sure our bones do their job so our muscles can relax | Jenn Sherer | TEDxManhattanBeach
Noelle Perez Put Me in Posture Heaven
Sitting in Balance – Jean Couch
Your Plant-Based Guide Conference (Full Play List)
Mobility and Flexibility – Matthew i Smith
LiverTox: Clinical and Research Information on Drug-Induced Liver Injury