Christian Martial Arts 101

In Christian Martial Arts 101, Wendy Williamson presents 101 Bible lessons for Christ-centered martial artists to be used with any Christian martial arts curriculum.

The Pledge
I pledge allegiance to my Lord, Jesus Christ, and to the love for which He stands … one Savior, everlasting, indivisible with forgiveness and mercy for all. ~Amen

Salvation and Eternal Life
We personally accept salvation and eternal life. Because of sin, people were separated and cut off from God; the only way back to Him and eternal life is through Christ. Jesus Christ is the only truth, way, and life; He is the only true Master who ever walked earth.

We love God with our bodies, minds, and souls. Like a soldier physically, mentally, and spiritually prepares to protect a nation, and her freedoms and beliefs, a Christian martial artist physically, mentally, and spiritually prepares to love God and do His will on earth.

Love for our Neighbors
We love our neighbors as we love ourselves. While the focus is on our neighbors, it is important to realize that we cannot love our neighbors if we do not love ourselves (body, mind, and soul). When we love ourselves, we are whole; when we do not love ourselves, we are dysfunctional, unable to love others as God intended.

The Fruit of the Spirit
We produce the Fruit of the Spirit. The Fruit of the Spirit is God’s expression of intimacy and love in our lives and relationships. When the Holy Spirit is flowing freely within us, we naturally produce Fruit. When the Holy Spirit is blocked because of selfish, ego-driven ambition, God’s expression of intimacy and love is cut-off in our lives.

The Full Armor of God
We put on the full armor of God. The Full Armor of God is God’s protection over our lives when we are dealing with temptation, the devil, and the evil forces of the world. We train to be militant soldiers in God’s army, learning effective techniques, strategies, and tactics to overcome all things contrary to God and His ways.

The Great Warrior
We become great warriors. God calls us to protect ourselves and others from threat and harm. It is better to avoid a single conflict than to win 1000 battles; in other words, force is only allowed when absolutely criticall. We are committed to protect and defend the souls of all people by bringing them to our one and only Savior, Jesus Christ.

The Child of God
We are ALWAYS students and NEVER true masters of Christian martial arts; black belt is not the end of a Christian walk, it is a new beginning. It is a transitioning privilege to the level of teacher, without losing the mind-set of student. Even though a child of God becomes an adult on earth, and inherits a new set of duties, he/she never ceases to be a child of God.

The Great Commission
We are God’s helpers. We go to all the corners of the earth and allow Him to use us to bring the lost sheep home. We do what we can to help people come to know Jesus Christ by submitting to Him and His will for our lives.

The Christian Black Belt
Christian black belts are equipped to bring all of the above ideals together and teach the Gospel through a Christian martial arts ministry. They are disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ and work for God by using their martial arts talents and every other gift that the Lord has bestowed them with.

The Pledge
Jesus Christ is our Master, Lord. We pledge allegiance to our Savior in much the same way that nationals pledge allegiance to the national flag and soldiers pledge allegiance to defend and protect our country. It is a great honor to be a Christian martial artist, but a great responsibility also.

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