Category: Economy
U.S. Treasuries: From Yang to Yin
“The world consists of Yin and Yang, and understanding this is crucial for anyone seeking to navigate life’s complexities.” Life is complicated. It seems that just when we think we’ve figured something out, the game changes. In Marketland, this usually starts with recency bias: a form of cognitive reasoning that…
Is the USA becoming the former USSR?
“Old Heraclitus, who was indeed a very great sage, discovered the most marvelous of all psychological laws: the regulative function of opposites. He called it enantiodromia, a running contrariwise, by which he meant that sooner or later everything runs into its opposite.” –Carl Jung There’s nothing more fun than discovering!…
To learn, or to unlearn, that is the question
Japanese Yen: The canary in the gold mine
The global monetary system is a big blobby glob of sticky goo that somehow keeps on slugging along through endless waste and war. But stop what you’re doing and listen. Chirp, chirp, chirp…peep, peep, peep…chitter, chitter, twitter, twitter, TWEET! On April 30, Fortune published an article: Why Japan’s currency is…
Albert Einstein’s Little Secret
“The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.”—Albert Einstein A few weeks ago, I stumbled upon an Einstein lecture by Douglas Hofstadter. He researches how we create analogies and how they permeate our languages and creative thought processes in physics and mathematics. In his research, he found…
Gold, Silver, or Bitcoin?
“No State shall…make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts.”—The U.S. Constitution (Article 1: Section 10, Clause 1) Our Founding Fathers—Franklin (1706-1790), Washington (1732-1799), Adams (1735-1826), Jefferson (1743-1826), Madison (1751-1836), and Hamilton (1755-1804)—didn’t trust the States. They didn’t trust the national government either, which…
Collateral Is Not Debt
Things are not as they appear
Repo and the Global Monetary Reset
If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and the corporations which grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered….
U.S. Treasuries: From Yang to Yin
“The world consists of Yin and Yang, and understanding this is crucial for anyone seeking to navigate life’s complexities.” Life is complicated. It seems that just when we think we’ve figured something out, the game changes. In Marketland, this usually starts with recency bias: a form of cognitive reasoning that…
Is the USA becoming the former USSR?
“Old Heraclitus, who was indeed a very great sage, discovered the most marvelous of all psychological laws: the regulative function of opposites. He called it enantiodromia, a running contrariwise, by which he meant that sooner or later everything runs into its opposite.” –Carl Jung There’s nothing more fun than discovering!…
To learn, or to unlearn, that is the question
Japanese Yen: The canary in the gold mine
The global monetary system is a big blobby glob of sticky goo that somehow keeps on slugging along through endless waste and war. But stop what you’re doing and listen. Chirp, chirp, chirp…peep, peep, peep…chitter, chitter, twitter, twitter, TWEET! On April 30, Fortune published an article: Why Japan’s currency is…
Albert Einstein’s Little Secret
“The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.”—Albert Einstein A few weeks ago, I stumbled upon an Einstein lecture by Douglas Hofstadter. He researches how we create analogies and how they permeate our languages and creative thought processes in physics and mathematics. In his research, he found…
Gold, Silver, or Bitcoin?
“No State shall…make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts.”—The U.S. Constitution (Article 1: Section 10, Clause 1) Our Founding Fathers—Franklin (1706-1790), Washington (1732-1799), Adams (1735-1826), Jefferson (1743-1826), Madison (1751-1836), and Hamilton (1755-1804)—didn’t trust the States. They didn’t trust the national government either, which…
Collateral Is Not Debt
Things are not as they appear
Repo and the Global Monetary Reset
If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and the corporations which grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered….