Pacta Sunt Servanda (promises are made to be kept)

There are so many things happening right now, I don’t know how much I’ll be able to cover in this post, but let’s begin with the most fundamental principle in international law: Pacta Sunt Servanda. It’s Latin for “agreements must be kept,” which is one of the oldest moral and religious principles for the ordering of society, dating back to the Chaldeans, Egyptians, and Chinese. According to Hans Wehberg, “The Gods were, so to speak, the guarantors of the contract and they threatened to intervene against the party guilty of a breach of contract.” Well, there has been a major breach of contract in modern-day society, and the gods are now intervening.

If you recall from my post Why does gold keep rising?, it’s because the U.S. breached its 1944 Bretton Woods contract with the 43 other countries, and the repercussions are unfolding. It is now almost fifty-four years later, but as expected, the world is turning and the gods have not forgotten. Next week, there is an epic BRICS summit. If you don’t know who are the BRICS and what they’re trying to do, then empower yourself with some research. You can search my blog for previous essays that I’ve written on the alliance, or look into it elsewhere. My only advise is that you look outside of the Western media, because most Western media conglomerates are being managed and used to protect the breacher.

This article in The Jerusalem Post is a great start: As BRICS Accumulate Gold, Western Banks Continue to Short Sell. First thing to note, the BRICS alliance—which started with Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa—has more than 30 different countries onboard. Second note, they will be officially welcoming Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). After the U.S. breached its contract from Bretton Woods, it set up an agreement with Saudi Arabia to run a monopoly on oil (black gold), by selling it to the world only in U.S. dollars. This held the dollar up as the world reserve currency. Saudi Arabia is now, however, aligning with BRICS, and the world recently started trading oil in other currencies. Third note, the summit is in Kazan, Russia! This means every country going there is in alignment with Putin, and in opposition to NATO.

Imagine for a moment that you are in school again, and your teacher tells you that there’s a very bad man that lives on 1234 Villain Street. The principal’s voice comes over the loud speaker and warns everyone against this bad man and instructs you to tell your families to send money to 4321 Laundering Street to help a poor family that lives next door to this very bad man. This very bad man is hurting this poor family, and they need your help! At first, you’re okay with the school sending money to help out. You even put little banners outside your house to show support. But two years later, you learn that at least seventy-five percent of the best schools in the world are sending their kids to spend time with the “very bad man” on Villain Street, who is helping them succeed. How do you feel?

No doubt, BRICS are poised to deliver global economic growth in the next decade and beyond. They are in the driver’s seat, and they control all major “choke points” for energy/trade passage. There have always been masters and slaves, and wealth has always been the driver. While slaves can become masters and masters can become slaves, this only happens through “wealth transfer.” In the Book of Exodus, the Egyptians were slave drivers and the Israelites were slaves. Through some kind of mind control, God enabled the Israelites to strip the Egyptians of their wealth (see Exodus 3:22 and 12:35-36). God told the Israelites to just ask the Egyptians for their gold and silver, and they would hand it over! If fact, they did! Then, while he parted the Red Sea, the Israelites crossed safely into the Promised Land. Doesn’t it seem like the West is just handing their gold over?

In 1944, the U.S. had the most gold, but now the U.S. is the world’s greatest debtor. Publilius Syrus was correct when he said debt is the slavery of the free. When a nation takes on significant debt, like the United States has done, it essentially becomes “slave” to the creditor nations. This causes it to lose its financial freedom, eventually forcing its leaders to prioritize debt repayment over other aspects of their lives. I do not know what’s going to happen at the BRICS Summit next week, and I don’t know what the U.S. will do about it, but I do know that God or the gods will be enforcing the Pacta Sunt Servanda sooner rather than later. Payment will be made in gold, and at some point we’ll be seeing Bretton Woods 2.0. Maybe next week in Kazan.

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