The Fourth Industrial Revolution: World Economic Forum (Part 1)

Jim Turley, Hernando de Soto y Gail Becker en el World Economic Forum Perú 2013.

I’ve decided to study the World Economic Forum (WEF) and its construct of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In a series of posts, I’ll look at the body of the World Economic Forum (WEF), where it came from, its mission, how it’s funded, etc. I’ll look at history and how this new revolution fits, how it’s evolving, and offer some perspective on what this means for our humanity and future.

Let’s start with the WEF mission, straight from the website.

“The Forum engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.” To me, this means a global government is emerging.

“It was established in 1971 as a not-for-profit foundation and is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.” Lots of things happened in 1971. I was born for one 😉 and gold was officially detached from the U.S. dollar. I don’t know if there’s any relationship to explore, but the timing is certainly of interest.

“It is independent, impartial and not tied to any special interests. The Forum strives in all its efforts to demonstrate entrepreneurship in the global public interest while upholding the highest standards of governance. Moral and intellectual integrity is at the heart of everything it does.”

“Our activities are shaped by a unique institutional culture founded on the stakeholder theory, which asserts that an organization is accountable to all parts of society. The institution carefully blends and balances the best of many kinds of organizations, from both the public and private sectors, international organizations and academic institutions.” The stakeholder theory is a philosophy within the construct of capitalism, first described by Dr. F. Edward Freeman, a professor at the University of Virginia. It stresses all relationships with a business (customer, supplier, etc.), as opposed to only focusing on stockholders. 

I read the WEF’s institutional brochure and what stood out to me was their terminology “institutional DNA” and “entrepreneurship in the global public interest.” It feels to me like the WEF is setting up to be the one-world government that was prophesied in the Bible. However, I’m not going to be sharing any religious thoughts or opinions on this matter. My goal here is to present the facts, analyze them from an unbiased position, and allow you to put it all together however you wish.

A senior by the name of Klaus Schwab is the Founder and Chair of the WEF. “Since its creation in 1971,” he wrote, “the Forum has championed global citizenship. This has led to numerous public, private and multistakeholder initiatives to improve the state of the world. What we need now is a platform to integrate public and private initiatives into a common effort to achieve maximum impact.”

The story from the brochure is that Klaus Schwab wrote a book on modern management, and this inspired the first Davos meeting in 1971. What resulted was a “platform” for businesses to meet and interact with its stakeholders, which led to the creation of the World Economic Forum. As stated in the brochure, “Corporations are now being called upon to serve as co-owners of our global future.”

“The World Economic Forum’s role as the trusted global platform for stakeholder engagement was recognized in 2015, when it concluded a host state agreement with Switzerland to become the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation. In 2019, that was further strengthened by a strategic partnership framework agreement with the United Nations” (from the Platform for Impact brochure). In a world of ever-increasing debt and stagflation, individual nations will weaken and collective governance through the WEF will only grow.

“As we now face the Fourth Industrial Revolution, I am convinced of the stakeholder concept’s relevance. The World Economic Forum – and its work with leaders from all areas of global society – has never been more vital,” Schwab wrote.

The WEF is made from 1000 leading global companies; “special” communities of emerging global enterprises; pioneers and start-ups of technology; 1000 of the world’s young leaders in their thirties; 10,000 young people in their twenties (active in 400 cities around the world); government and international organizations; academia and science; global civil society leaders (NGOs, trade unions, cultural leaders, civil society institutions); and social entrepreneurs.

The Forum’s top governing body consists of global leaders from government, business, civil society, the arts and academia. They have offices in Geneva, New York, San Francisco, Tokyo, Beijing and Mumbai.

I skimmed the Foundation Regulations and Statutes. The Board of Trustees is made up of 36 “personalities” (interesting word choice). Klaus Schwab is an ex officio member of the Board of Trustees, and he will designate his own successor. He is also chairperson of the Board of Trustees and assumes the function of President of the Managing Board. In Article 7, of the Statutes, it states that the Forum may create academic programs and issue corresponding academic degrees. I thought that was interesting.

The latest Annual Report (2018-19) is 130 pages. It starts with a letter from Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab. “Dear Stakeholders,” he writes. Public-private cooperation is emphasized over and over.

In his letter, Schwab reiterates the WEF as a global force of stakeholders working together to address critical global issues. The very first global issue he mentions is “burgeoning global population” which “has triggered consumption patterns that push against the environmental limits of our world.” It sounds to me like the population is growing too large relative to the resources we have to survive. The report attempts to redefine production and consumption in the fourth industrial revolution, although it’s a bit murky to me.

I was happy to see the platforms were clearly defined in this report. They are: Accelerating Business Transformation, Accelerating Socio-Economic Progress, and Accelerating Agile Governance. It’s interesting to read about what they believe and what they’re doing, and there’s definitely a lot of good intentions in all of it. Yet, I’m not sure we are seeing the forest for the trees, or the motives behind the agenda.

While I skimmed much of the report, I read pages 22-23, Shaping the Future of Financial and Monetary Systems. The report recognizes that the system is rapidly transforming; there is a shift in “power away from public institutions to non-state actors.” Coupled with “accelerating technological disruption” this will have “significant implications for existing and future value chains and employment.” Note, this was written before Covid19 came along and made things worse.

The WEF’s agenda, under the umbrella of the “Fourth Industrial Revolution,” and “The Great Reset” is characterized by a fusion of technologies that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres.”  I have not read his book, but I have gathered the information from the website. More specifically, the agenda is active implantable microchips that break the skin barrier of our bodies. Take a look at these posts from the WEF:

These Workers Have Got a Microchip Implanted in Their Hand From Their Employer

Thousands of Swedish people are swapping ID cards for microchips

This tiny chip could protect against counterfeiting 

This one is a 28 page publication from the WEF in collaboration with McGill University, Shaping the Future of the Internet of Bodies: New challenges of technology governance. It was published in July, 2020. I’m going to read this very soon.

People are obsessed by official narratives and conspiracy theories, while the Founder and Chair of the World Economic Forum has written extensively about things you thought you’d only read in spy novels. Browse the WEF website, and you will quickly find that Covid-19 is being used as the pretext for the soon-to-come revolutionary reset. The agenda is to dismantle the current capital system in favor of a centralized technocrat rule. It includes fewer civil liberties, owning less or nothing, a lower quality of life, the elimination or reduction of fossil fuels, and the acceleration of AI production.

Since the WEF seems to be well on its way to global governance, I did a search on their website with the keyword “gold.” 🙂 Curious, but not disappointed, there were 6,060 results! I can’t possibly go through them all, but looking at the top rankings, I think it’s reasonable to assume that when things fall apart, or if the reset is initiated first, gold will back the new financial system.

This is why we use gold as currency – There’s a reference in this article to Sanat Kumar, a chemical engineer from Columbia University, who breaks down the periodic table to show why gold has been used as a monetary metal for thousands of years.

These 10 countries have the world’s largest gold reserves (video) – Gold has an intrinsic value anywhere in the world.

This start-up recovers gold from electronic waste

How start-up Mint Innovation is mining scrap gadgets for gold

I also found that Newmont and AngloGold Ashanti (a gold producer in South Africa) are partners in the World Economic Forum. There are 28 metals and mining companies. You can look up all the companies on their website.

Well I think this is enough for today. I’ve learned a lot about the WEF and need to soak it in, so look for Part 2 in the coming weeks. I’ll be focusing on the Fourth Revolution and The Great Reset, why it’s happening, and what to expect. Thanks for being here, for being curious, and for reading my stuff. Onward!

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